Analyzing Variability in Coleus forskohlii Briq. Using RAPD Markers
Coleus forskohlii, Genetic Diversity, RAPDAbstract
Coleus forskohlii Briq. is an indigenous medicinal plant with high traditional use in India. Genetic analysis of 37 diverse C. forskohlii genotypes was performed using 25 RAPD primers, which yielded 117 bands, of which 60 (51.28%) were polymorphic providing an average of 3.75 bands per primer. There were no genotype-specific products. The number of bands per primer varied from 1 (OPZ 8&16) to 7 (OPZ 11). Similarity matrix was constructed using Jaccard's Coefficient and the data matrix of coefficient of similarity was subjected to cluster analysis using unweighted pair group methodology with arithmetic average (UPGMA). Cluster analysis resulted in grouping of 37 genotypes into two major clusters. The results indicated that RAPD could be used for genetic diversity analysis in C. forskohlii using higher number of primers as it is reliable, easy, rapid and cost-effective.
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Copyright (c) 2009 C Kavitha, E Vadivel, R Sivasamy, K Rajamani (Author)

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