Improving Lemon [Citrus limon (L.) Burm.] Quality Using Growth Regulators
Lemon, Baramasi, Fruit Cracking, Quality, NAA, GA3Abstract
Lemon [Citrus limon (L.) Burm.] is a leading acidic citrus fruit. However, poor fruit quality causes considerable reduction in marketable yield leading to heavy financial loss to the grower. To combat poor fruit quality, an experiment was laid out during the fruiting year 2009 with a view to obtain excellent quality lemon at harvest. Plant material for this investigation was selected from Punjab Government Progeny Orchard&Nursery, Attari, Amritsar. Foliar spray of NAA (10, 20 and 40ppm)and GA3 (5, 10 and 20ppm) was applied twice at an interval of 15 days during the month of May. Substantial improvement in fruit quality could be achieved with growth regulator treatment. NAA at 40ppm proved to be the best treatment for managing fruit cracking and improving fruit quality.
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