Effect of Plant Growth Regulators in Yield and Fruit Quality in Pomegranate cv. Ruby
Pomegranate, Growth Regulators, Yield, Fruit QualityAbstract
An investigation was carried out during 2006-07 and 2007-08 to harness beneficial effects of plant growth regulators on yield and fruit quality in pomegranate cv. Ruby. Seven treatments with three growth regulators, viz., NAA at 25, 50 ppm; GA3 at 10, 20 ppm; 2,4-D at 5, 10 ppm and control (water spray) were sprayed three times starting at 50% flowering stage and, subsequently, at 21 days' interval. Results revealed that application of NAA at 25 ppm gave significantly high fruit set (44.3%) and fruit retention (44.1%) which resulted in highest fruit yield of 7.8 kg/plant at the age of 7 years, as against 1.7 kg in the control. Fruit weight and quality improved significantly due to growth regulator sprays.
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Copyright (c) 2009 S N Ghosh, B Bera, S Roy, A Kundu (Author)

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