Response of Yield and Fruit Quality to Foliar Application of Micronutrients in Lemon [Citrus limon (L.) Burm.] cv. Assam Lemon
Assam lemon, fruit quality, micronutrients, nutrition, yieldAbstract
Assam lemon [Citrus limon (L.) Burm.], an indigenous lemon cultivar of Assam, is widely cultivated in warm southern slopes of the Himalayas in North-Eastern India. Since this cultivar of lemon is having a prominent trait of bearing fruits in several flushes throughout the year, it is essential to provide sufficient nutrition for obtaining optimum yield with good quality fruits. In the current experiment, a randomized block design having twelve treatments with three replications was followed to find out the response of lemon fruit yield and quality to foliar application of micronutrients during the year 2019. Among all, the treatment ZnSO4 (0.2%) + FeSO4 (0.2%) + Borax (0.2%) + CuSO4 (0.2%) gave the best performance in improving the yield and quality of fruits. The highest number of fruits per plant at the time of harvesting (73), yield per plant (11.5 kg), fruit fresh weight (158 g), fruit length (9.60 cm), fruit diameter (5.80 cm), juice content (152 mL/fruit), TSS (6.40 °B), ascorbic acid (49.10 mg/100g), total sugar (6.30%), reducing sugar (3.90%), non-reducing sugar (2.40%) with lowest titratable acidity
(3.13%) were obtained which revealed that the yield and fruit quality of lemon depends on the application of different micronutrients.
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