Studies on factors influencing the vegetative propagation in walnut (Juglans regia L. )


  • S R Singh Author
  • N Ahmed Author
  • K K Srivastava Author
  • P A Shagoo Author



Juglans regia L, physiologically resting scion, environmental conditions, grafting time


The experiment was carried out to examine the effect ofdifferent status of physiologically resting scion wood,environment and grafting time for maximum graft success in walnut. Three status of physiologically resting scion wood (apical, sub- apical and basal), were subjected to grafting on four different grafting time (15th February, 1st March, 15th March and 1st April)placed under three environmental conditions(open field,poly trench and polyhouse).Sub-apical portion of resting scion wood resulted in highest sprouting, graft success and plant growth, whereas grafting on 15th March manifested highest graft success. Poly house environmental conditions recorded maximum grafting success and plant growth. Sub apical status of scion wood with 15th March grafting under poly house conditions recorded highest sprouting, graft success and plant growth of walnut and found ideal for clonal propagation of walnut.


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Research Notes

How to Cite

Singh, S. R., Ahmed, N., Srivastava, K. K., & Shagoo, P. A. (2018). Studies on factors influencing the vegetative propagation in walnut (Juglans regia L. ). Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 13(1), 91-96.

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