Tip Withering Bug, Anoplocnemis phasiana (Fab.), Halts Grape Shoots: Friend or Foe, Arrival Time Explains
Tip Withering Bug, Anoplocnemis phasiana, GrapeAbstract
Pruning is a regular practice followed in grapevine, Vitis vinefera L., to keep the vine manageable and productive. However, immediately after pruning, the plants put out a new flush of leaves which attract several leaf-feeding insects, leading to defoliation and crinkling. Incidence of tip withering bug, Anoplocnemis phasiana (Fab.), usually coinciding with the period of halting practice, results in die-back of shoot tip and prevents extension of the shoot, thus halting shoot growth. Intricacies involved in incidence of this coreid bug on grapevine are discussed here.Downloads
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