Correlation of trunk cross sectional area with fruit yield, quality and leaf nutrient status in plum under North West Himalayan region of India
TCSA,, plum fruit yield,, quality,, leaf nutrientAbstract
An experiment was conducted to study the correlation of trunk cross sectional area (TCSA) with fruit yield, quality and leaf nutrient status in plum at ICAR-Central Institute for Temperate Horticulture, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir during 2013-14. The TCSA (110.45, 118.23, 123.45, 131.67, 139.25, 146.82, 152.37 and 161.26 cm2) was based on their trunk girth at 15 cm above the ground. Maximum canopy volume (23.14m3 and fruit number 128/ tree) were recorded when TCSA was highest (161.26cm2). Maximum fruit weight (58.85g) was recorded with 123.45cm2 TCSA. Fruit yield and productivity efficiency (59.47kg/ tree and 0.29kg/ cm2) were recorded with 152.37cm2 TCSA. Fruit size (47.45 x 44.12mm), pulp weight (57.54g) and pulp/stone ratio (43.92) were recorded with 123.45cm2 TCSA. Maximum TSS (19.450B), total sugar (13.98%) and reducing sugar (11.46%) were recorded with 161.26 cm2 TCSA. Non-reducing sugar (2.53%) was recorded with 118.23cm2 TCSA. Higher leaf nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content (2.38, 0.19 and 1.95%) was observed with 161.26 cm2 TCSA. A positive and significant correlation was noticed between TCSA and canopy volume (0.995), fruit number (0.992), yield (0.968), pulp/stone ratio (0.903), TSS (0.977), total sugar (0.937), reducing sugar (0.920), non-reducing sugar (0.048), leaf N (0.971), leaf P (0.977) and leaf K (0.997) value in plum variety Santa Rosa under North West Himalayan region of India.
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