Development of Novel Character in Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench]
Novel Character, Ridgeless, Introgression, ProcessingAbstract
Transgressive segregation in the population of IIHR-31-1-2 x Arka Anamika BC3 F1-F6 generations led to the development of, various novel characters such as, ridgeless fruits (round fruit) and enhanced nodal productivity bearing short internodal length in okra selection-1, which was found to be promising for cultivation with high yield and good fruit quality. It can be grown both during Kharif and summer seasons. Okra selection-1 was also found to exhibit smooth fruits, high yield potential with sturdy plant habit and field tolerance to fusarium wilt and YVMV. Due to rapid rate of increase of processing in okra by freezing and canning, Okra selection I may be an ideal fruit type for freezing because of its short, smooth, dark green and round or multifaceted fruits with low mucilage content.
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Copyright (c) 2008 M Pitchaimuthu, O P Dutta, V S R K Krishna Prasad, K R M Swamy (Author)

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