Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis in bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria (Mol. Standl.) germplasm
Bottle gourd, genetic variability, heritability, path analysisAbstract
The present investigation was conducted to determine the variability, heritability, genetic advance and correlation of fruit yield and ten different yield contributing characters in bottle gourd. Wide range of variation was observed for most of the characters like fruit yield/vine, fruit number/vine, fruit weight, fruit yield/ha and node number for first female flower appearance. Phenotypic coefficient of variation was higher than genotypic coefficient of variation for all the traits studied, indicating environmental influence on expression of these characters. However, high heritability (broad sense) along with high genetic advance was recorded by vine
length, branch number, fruit length, fruit width, fruit yield/vine and yield/ha indicating the presence of additive gene effects, hence selection can be employed for the improvement of these parameters. Fruit yield/ ha was significantly and positively associated with fruit number/vine and fruit yield/vine both at genotypic as well as phenotypic levels. Fruit number had maximum direct effect (0.812) on fruit yield/ha followed by fruit weight (0.407), fruit length (0.339), fruit width (0.310), fruit yield/vine (0.249), days taken for first female flower appearance (0.224) and vine length (0.173). Therefore for the yield improvement in bottle gourd, emphasis
may be given for indirect selection through fruit parameters like fruit weight, fruit length, fruit number and fruit yield/vine.
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Copyright (c) 2018 B Varalakshmi, M Pitchaimuthu, E Sreenivas Rao (Author)

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