Germination and Growth of Rough Lemon (Citrus jambhiri Lush.) Seedlings under Protected Environment
Screen-House, Glasshouse, Shade-Net House, Rough LemonAbstract
Production of disease-free plants is necessary for a healthy future for the citrus industry. Therefore, a study was designed to compare growth of direct-sown and transplanted rough lemon seedlings under controlled conditions. Rough lemon rootstock seedlings were grown under screen-house, shade-net house, glasshouse, and open field conditions. Seeds were planted in seed beds, propagation trays and black polythene bags. Germination was significantly higher (94.30%) in propagation trays under shade-net house except that in screen-house. Minimum germination (62.45%) was recorded in open-field seed-beds. Seedling height, stem diameter, leaf number and leaf area was found to be maximum (i.e., 55.26cm, 0.63cm, 33.43 and 24.75cm2respectively) in direct-sown seeds in polybags under screen-house which were transferred to glasshouse during winter. Minimum values observed were 41.33cm, 0.44cm, 18.29 and 15.47cm2, respectively, in conventionally raised seedlings. On the basis of our study, it is concluded that rough lemon nursery is best raised in polybags under screen-house or glasshouse conditions.References
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