Genetic Variability in Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L.)
Genetic Variability, Germplasm, BittergourdAbstract
The variance analysis for 17 plant characters showed significant differences. Maximum vine length was recorded in IC-85635A. Significantly higher number of primary branches per vine and internodal length were observed in IC-85639. Maximum number of nodes was observed in JMC-4. Significantly minimum number of days for first appearance of male flower and maximum fruit length, fruit width, yield per vine, yield per plot, yield/ha were recorded in MC-84. Highest number of fruits per vine was recorded in GY-I and minimum powdery mildew infestation was observed in JMC-22.
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Copyright (c) 2008 Murlee Yadav, D B Singh, Rashmi Chaudhary, Devi Singh (Author)

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