Studies on French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Varieties under Different N, P, K and S Levels for Growth, Yield and Economics
French Bean, Varieties, Fertilizer Levels, Growth, Yield, EconomicsAbstract
Fifteen combinations of three French bean varieties viz., Arka Komal (V1), Swaran Priya (V2) and Contender (V3) and five fertilizer levels (F1- 20:40:40:20kg/ha NPKS; F2- 40:40:40:20kg/ha NPKS; F3 - 60:60:60:40kg/ha NPKS; F4 - 80:60:60:40kg/ha NPKS, and F5 -100:80:80:50kg/ha NPKS) were tested in factorial Randomized Block Design, with three replications. Among the varieties, Swaran Priya was superior for growth attributes, yield attributes and yield. Among fertilizer levels, F5 (100:80:80:50kg/ha NPKS) resulted in highest growth parameters, yield parameters and yield of pods. Economic evaluation showed that variety Swaran Priya under F5 (100:80:80:50kg/ha NPKS) resulted in maximum gross returns, net returns and cost:benefit ratio for green pod production.
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Copyright (c) 2013 B K Sharma, S S Kushwah, K S Verma, O P Singh (Author)

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