Influence of Various Sources and Levels of Fertilizer Applied through Fertigation on Hybrid Watermelon Grown in Rabi-Summer
Watermelon, Fertigation, Rabi, Summer, Growth, Yield, EconomicsAbstract
A field experiment was conducted at Bangalore during 2006-2008 to study the effect of fertigation on growth and yield of rabi-summer grown watermelon. Seven treatments comprising varying rates and sources of fertilizers were applied. Application of water soluble fertilizer @ 70:70:70kg N:P2O5:K2O per hectare through fertigation gave significantly higher vine length, number of branches per plant and leaf area index. In general, fertigation treatments recorded higher values for number of fruits per plant, fruit weight and total soluble solids than conventional soilapplication of fertilizers. All the fertigation treatments recorded higher average marketable watermelon yield over conventional soil-application of fertilizers amounting to 7.22 to 26.4% increase. Among fertigation treatments, though recommended dose of fertilizer applied as water soluble fertilizer resulted in highest marketable-fruit yield, highest net income (Rs. 229775) and B:C ratio (3.03) was obtained in treatment with 70% of recommended dose of NPK using conventional fertilizers supplied through fertigation.
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Copyright (c) 2013 M Prabhakar, S S Hebbar, A K Nair (Author)

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