Effect of land configuration and fertilizer dosage on growth and yield of African marigold under vertic ustochrept soil regimes
African marigold, Fertilizer dose, Land configuration, Quality, YieldAbstract
Adopting proper land management systems and nutrient levels could improve growth, yield and quality by rendering better soil physical structure and mineral nutrition under heavy rainfall areas. An experiment was conducted to identify appropriate land configuration and fertilizer dose for African marigold var. Punjab Gainda-1, in split plot design with three land configuration methods viz., flat bed, raised bed and ridge & furrow system as main plots, and three fertilizer doses (RDF/ha) viz., 100%, 80% and 60% as subplots with recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) being 10 t FYM + 150:100:100 kg/ha NPK. Results showed that adopting raised bed method of land configuration with the application of 8 t FYM + 120:80:80 kg/ha NPK exhibited enhanced vegetative growth and flower yield (16.26 t/ha) with greater benefit cost ratio (2.88) and, hence, found economically best for commercial production of African marigold.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sangeetha Priya S, Dipal Bhatt S, Bhatt S T, Patel G D, Sudha Patil

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