Effect of Magnesium on Plant Growth, Dry Matter and Yield in Tomato (Lycipersicon esculentum L.)
Tomato, Growth Parameters, Magnesium, Dry Matter, Fruit YieldAbstract
A field experiment was conducted on magnesium nutrition in tomato hybrid Arka Ananya at ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru, for two years. Graded application of magnesium produced significant difference in fruit yield in tomato among treatments. The yield increased upto 50kg Mg ha-1 application, and decreased beyond this dose. Yield parameters like number of fruits per plant and fruit weight recorded results similar as that of yield. Growth parameters like number of branches and plant-height followed a similar trend. Growth and yield parameters were found to be well correlated with yield. Treatment T3 (50kg Mg ha-1) recorded significantly higher plant height, number of branches, fruit number, fruit weight and fruit yield over the Control, T1, where no magnesium was applied. Yield increase of 29% can be achieved with magnesium application (50kg Mg ha-1) in tomato during winter season.
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Copyright (c) 2015 B L Kasinath, A N Ganeshamurthy, N S Nagegowda (Author)

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