Evaluation of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) genotypes under coastal ecosystem of Tamil Nadu


  • C T Sathappan Author




Tuberose -Polianthes tuberosa- PCV, GCV – Heritability


Genetic variability existing among genotypes is the prime and basic factor for the improvement
of any character in a successful breeding programme of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.).
Though the attempts made so far to exploit the available variability have culminated in the
release of a few improved region specific selections as varieties from different centers in
India, still, varieties suited to coastal eco-system are yet to be identified. Hence, an experiment
was laid out to study the performance of 21 genotypes of Polianthes tuberosa L. collected from
varied geographical locations. The trial was conducted in the floriculture unit of the Department
of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University under randomized block design
replicated thrice to assess the genetic variability for eleven economic characters. The results
showed that the genotype PT-15 recorded relatively superior mean performance with respect
to all characters. High PCV and GCV were observed for number of leaves per plant, plant
height and rachis length. Low variability in terms of PCV and GCV was observed for length of
the flower and time taken for flowering. High PCV and GCV values of more than 60 per cent
was observed for bulb volume followed by yield of flowers per plant, rachis length and duration
of flowering. The genotypes viz., PT-15 (Kuzhumani, Thiruchirappalli District), PT-3
(Ravanthavadi, Dharmapuri District) and PT-10(Perumalpatti, Dindugul District) were identified
as superior genotypes which are suitable for the coastal region based on per se values and can
be utilized for future breeding programmes.


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Research Notes

How to Cite

Sathappan, C. T. (2018). Evaluation of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) genotypes under coastal ecosystem of Tamil Nadu. Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 13(2), 202-208. https://doi.org/10.24154/jhs.v13i2.518

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