Evaluation of intergeneric F1 hybrid progenies of papaya (Arka Prabhath x Vasconcellea cauliflora and Arka Prabhath x Vasconcellea cundinamarcencis) for morphological, fruit and yield traits coupled with PRSV tolerance
Evaluation, intergeneric hybrids, papaya, PRSV-P, Vasconcellea cauliflora, Vasconcellea cundinamarcencisAbstract
Papaya is one of the most important fruit crops of tropical and subtropical regions of the world including India. Though India stands first in production in the world, the productivity is low as compared to other countries due to high incidence of papaya ring spot virus (PRSV-P) attack. As all the cultivated varieties under genus Carica are susceptible to PRSV, investigations were carried out to evaluate fifteen intergeneric hybrid progenies of Arka Prabhath x V. cauliflora and eighty-five progenies of Arka Prabhath x V. cundinamarcencis for morphological, fruit and yield traits coupled with PRSV- P tolerance. Out of fifteen, seven progenies of ‘Arka Prabhath’ x V. cauliflora viz., IGHF1S4-1, IGHF1S4-12, IGHF1S4-13, IGHF1S4-14, IGHF1S4-15, IGHF1S4-17, IGHF1S4-18 and out of eighty-five, six progenies of ‘Arka Prabhath’ x V. cundinamarcensis viz., IGHF1S1-17, IGHF1S1-19, IGHF1S6-20, IGHF1S2-14, IGHF1S5-12 and IGHF1S5-14 recorded desirable traits such as days to first fruiting (240 to 250 days), bearing height (48 to 74 cm), plant height (175 to 200 cm), trunk circumference (37 to 48 cm), fruit weight (1133.67 to 2202.00 g), pulp thickness (2.45 to 4.05 cm), TSS (11.50 to 13.80 ºBrix), fruits/tree (40 to 58) and yield (45.00 to 78.20 kg/tree) coupled with PRSV tolerance with disease score1 (only a few tiny chlorotic spots on leaves). These progenies were selected and forwarded for next generation (F2). The hybridity was also confirmed using SSR marker (mCpCIR59).
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Copyright (c) 2023 Megha Arun, C Vasugi, M Krishna Reddy, Gangadhar Narabenchi , R Rajeshwari, K V Ravishankar , Linta Vincent

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