Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Guava (Psidium guajava) Germplasm Using Microsatellites
Guava, Genetic Diversity, Dendrogram, Simple Sequence RepeatsAbstract
Although the varietal diversity is fairly rich in guava, most varieties lack one or more desirable characters. Hence, attempts were made for improving specific traits, viz., attractive pink pulp colour, soft seeds, medium fruit size, high TSS and high ascorbic acid. Genetic diversity analysis is a prerequisite for identifying potential parents in breeding programs and germplasm conservation. Molecular characterization helps discriminate closely-related genotypes, as, this technique is unaffected by environment, rendering it more reliable. In this study, 48 polymorphic SSRs screened from a total of 115 SSR markers were used for analyzing marker segregation in 72 guava accessions. Statistical analysis was done using IDENTITY1.0 and CERVUS 3.0 software. Cluster analysis was done with DARwin 5.0 software, using Wards Minimum Variance method, and weighted group neighbour joining method, to check reliability of grouping among clusters. The trend in grouping was found to be similar in both methods. Dendrograms generated showed that the hybrids clustered with their parents; exotic collections fell into two different sub-groups based on productivity; the wild species formed one group; and Navalar cultivars from Dharwad clustered together, reflecting similar origin.
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Copyright (c) 2014 M V Naga Chaithanya, M R Dinesh, C Vasugi, D C Lakshmana Reddy, D Sailaja, C Aswath (Author)

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