Irrigating horticultural crops with recycled water: an Australian perspective
Irrigation, Water Recycling, Water Treatment, Nutrients, Sodicity, SalinityAbstract
Access to water has been identified as one of the most limiting factors in economic growth of Australia's horticultural sector. Water reclaimed from wastewater (sewage) is being increasingly recognized as an important resource and agricultural sector is currently the largest consumer of this resource. An overview of the Australian experience of using reclaimed wastewater to grow horticultural crops is presented in this paper: from regulations governing it and treatment processes, to management and risk-minimization practices that ensure this resource is used in a sustainable manner, not impacting adversely human health or environment. A case study covering socio-economic and environmental implications of recycled-water irrigation is also presented.
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Copyright (c) 2011 Nanthi S Bolan, Kerrie Bell, Anitha Kunhi Krishan, Jae-Woo Chung (Author)

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