Effect of Calcium Nitrate and Potassium Nitrate Priming on Seed Germination and Seedling Vigour of Papaya (Carica papaya L.)
Calcium nitrate, Papaya, Potassium nitrate, Seed germination, Seedling vigourAbstract
The effect of seed priming with calcium nitrate Ca (NO3)2 and potassium nitrate (KNO3) on germination and seedling vigour were studied in papaya varieties. Open pollinated local (gauty) papaya seeds were soaked in Ca (NO3)2 and KNO3 solutions (10000 ppm, 15000 ppm and 20000 ppm) up to 24 hours and germination percentage and seedling characteristics were recorded. The least number of days taken for seed germination (4.33 days), the highest germination percentage (82.56 % ), the highest shoot length (14.31 cm) the highest fresh biomass (1.36 g) and dry biomass (0.174 g) were recorded in 10000 ppm Ca(NO3)2 treatment. Further, seeds of papaya varieties viz., Arka Surya, Arka Prabhat and Madhu bindhu were treated with 5000 ppm, 10000 ppm and 15000 ppm Ca (NO3)2 and observed that Arka Prabhat seeds treated with 10000 ppm Ca (NO3)2 hadtaken the least number of days for germination (4.75 days) and also the highest shoot length (25.2 cm). The results of the experiment proved the significant effect of calcium ions over potassium ions on papaya seed germination and seedling vigour.
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