Synergistic Use of Hypocotyl Explants and High Bap Preconditioning for Enhanced Transformation Frequency in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)
Solanum melongena, Transformation, Hypocotyl, BAP, PreconditioningAbstract
Poor regeneration is one of the limiting factors in the development of transgenic crops since Agrobacterium as a plant pathogen can disturb the fragile in vitro conditions with wounding and infection regimes. We have tried to optimize the transformation system in two important varieties of brinjal after Agrobacterium infection to the explants. The effect of explant was studied and hypocotyls were found to be better than cotyledonary leaves. High BAP during the preconditioning period was found to further enhance the regeneration rate. Therefore, use of hypocotyls and high BAP during preconditioning can improve the regeneration of transformed cells and recovery of transformants in vegetables especially brinjal.
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Copyright (c) 2006 Vageeshbabu S Hanur, D P Prakash, B S Deepali, R Asokan, Y L Ramachandra, Riaz Mahmood, Lalitha Anand (Author)

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