Advancing fruiting season in Annona cv. Arka Sahan through pruning
Annona, biochemical constituent, fruit quality, off-season, pruningAbstract
Annona cultivar ‘Arka Sahan’, an inter-specific hybrid of Annona atemoya × A. squamosa
comes to harvest during August-September under mild tropical climate, which coincides with monsoon rains resulting in poor fruit quality and high susceptibility to anthracnose and fruit fly. An attempt was made to advance the fruiting in this hybrid through pruning during 2016- 17 and 2017-18. The effect of three pruning levels (25, 50 and 75% of previous season’s growth) at five different times (60, 75, 90, 105 and 120 days after final harvest of previous crop) on flowering and fruiting were compared. Early sprouting, flowering and fruit harvest were recorded in trees pruned to 75% of the past season’s growth in both the years. Earliest fruits were harvested 271 (3rd week of June) and 268 (2nd week of June) days after pruning in trees pruned during first week of October in 2016-17 and 2017-18 respectively (P<0.05).
Bigger fruits with lesser seeds per 100 g of pulp (P<0.05) were harvested from trees pruned to 75% and 25% levels in the first and second year, respectively, irrespective of pruning time. Tree canopy following pruning at 75%level recorded higher light interception and photosynthetic rate (P<0.05). Pruning time and levels significantly influenced the biochemical constituents of leaf and shoot. The fruiting in cultivar ‘Arka Sahan’ could be thus advanced by 8-9 weeks to June from the normal season of August-September with comparable or better fruit quality by pruning 75% of the last season’s growth during October.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Subhash Chander Subhu, Reju M Kurian, Satisha J, KK Upreti, RH Laxman

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