Genetic Analysis in Muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.)
Muskmelon, Variability, Correlation, Path Analysis, Genetic DivergenceAbstract
Fifty genotypes of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) were evaluated for variability, correlation, path analysis and divergence for yield and its contributing characters. Analysis of variance showed significant variation for all the characters, indicating presence of sufficient variability in the material studied. Genotypic correlations were higher than those of their respective phenotypic correlation coefficients in majority of the cases suggesting, that, genotypic correlations were stronger, reliable and free from environmental influences. Path analysis based on genotypic association revealed that number of fruits per plant and moisture percentage was the main yieldattributing characters in fruit yield of muskmelon. Total soluble solids exhibited positive direct effect on fruit yield per plant. Thus, number of fruits per plant, moisture percentage and total soluble solids may be given more weightage for an effective selection to improve fruit yield in muskmelon. On the basis of relative magnitude of D2 values, all the genotypes were grouped in seven clusters. Maximum genetic distance was observed between clusters II and V, while clusters III and VII displayed the lowest degree of divergence. Total soluble sugars followed by total soluble solids and fruit yield per plant contributed the most towards divergence.References
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Copyright (c) 2008 Rukam S Tomar, G U Kulkarni, D K Kakade (Author)

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