Cashew research in India


  • M G Bhat Author
  • K V Nagaraja Author
  • T R Rupa Author



Cashew, Research Achievements, Research Priorities


Cashew, after its introduction from Brazil during the 16th Century, has established very well in India. A total of 40 high-yielding varieties have been released so far by the Directorate of Cashew Research, Puttur, and various Agricultural Universities, for cultivation. Of these, 13 are hybrids and 27 are selections. Research achievements in the area of crop improvement, management, protection and post-harvest technology over the last six decades are reviewed and documented here. As India has been importing raw nuts to the tune of 6.5 lakh tons annually to cater the demand of established processing factories, research priorities have been identified to meet the challenges of enhancing production and productivity of cashew in the country.


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Abdul Salam, M. and Peter, K.V. 2010. Cashew - A Monograph. Stadium Press (India) Pvt. Ltd., pp. 26-51

Abeysinghe, D.C., Sangakkara, U.R. and Jayasekera, S.J.B.A. 2003. Intercropping of young cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) and its effects on crop productivity and land utilization. Trop. Agric. Res. 15:10-19 (Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)

Abraham, E.V. 1958. Pests of cashew (Anacardium occidentale) in South India. Ind. J. Agril. Sci., 28:531-44

Adeyemi, A.A. 1998. Effects of intercropping on weed incidence in cashew (Anacardium occidentale) plantations. Nigerian J. Tree Crop Res., 2:83-94 (Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria, P.M.B. 5244, Ibadan, Nigeria)

Aikpokpodion, P.E., Uloko B. and Edibo G. 2009. Nutrient dynamics in soil and cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) leaf and kernel in Kogi State, Nigeria. J Appl. Biosci., 25:1573 – 1578

Aliyu, O.M. and Awopetu, J.A. 2007. Assessment of genetic diversity in three populations of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) using protein-isoenzyme- electrophoretic analysis. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol., 54:1489-1497

Ambika, B. and Abraham, C.C. 1979. Bioecology of Helopletis antonii Sign. (Miridae : Hemiptera) infesting cashew trees. Entomon., 4:335-342

Ananthakrishnan, G., Ravikumar, R., Prem Anand, R., Vengadesan, G., Ganapathi, A. 1999. Induction of somatic embryogenesis from nucellus-derived callus of Anacardium occidentale L. Sci. Hort., 79:91-99

Ananthakrishnan, G., Ravikumar, R. and Girija, S. 2004. Selection of efficient arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere of cashew and their application in the cashew nursery. Sci. Hort., 100:369-375

Ankaiah, S. and Rao, P.V. 1987. Studies on the age of leaf, time of absorption and concentration of urea spray on cashew. Ind. Cashew J., 15:9-11

Archak, S., Gaikwad, A.B., Gautam, D., Rao, E.V.V.B., Swamy, K.R.M. and Karihaloo, J.L. 2002. Comparative assessment of DNA fingerprinting techniques (RAPD, ISSR and AFLP) for genetic analysis of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) accessions of India. Genome, 46:362-369

Asogwa, E.U., Hammed, L.A. and Ndubuaku, T.C.N. 2008. Integrated production and protection practices of cashew (Anacardium occidentale) in Nigeria. African J. Biotech., 7:4868-4873

Badhe, V.T. and Magar, S.S. 2004. Influence of different conservation measures on runoff, soil and nutrient loss under cashew nut in lateritic soils of south Konkan region. Ind. J. Soil Conser., 32:143-147

Balasubramanain, D. 1998. Equilibrium moisture content of raw cashewnut. Cashew Bull., 35:2-3

Balasubramanian, D. 2001. Cashew processing industries in Kerala: Quilon and Calicut. The Cashew, 15:28-35

Balasubramanian, D. and Narayanan, L. 2006. Moisture description characteristics of cashew kernel. The Cashew, 20:13-19

Behara, A.K. and Satapthy, C.R. 1998. Influence of the environmental factors on the cashew nut shoot tip caterpillar, Hypotima haligramma Meyr. Cashew Bull., 35:17-18

Bhat, M.G., Kumara, P.M. and Thimmappaiah. 1998. Pollination technique in cashew. The Cashew, 12:21-26

Bhat, P.S. and Raviprasad, T.N. 1996. Pathogenicity of entomopathogenic fungi against cashew stem and root borer Plocaederus ferruginues L. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). J. Plant. Crops, 24:265-271

Blaikie, S.J., Chacko, E.K. and Lu, P. 2001. Productivity and water relations of field-grown cashew: a comparison of sprinkler and drip irrigation. Australian J. Exptl. Agri., 41:663-673

Cardoso, J.E. and Freire, F.C.O. 1998. Spread and control of gummosis in cashew trunks cut for top working. Fetopatologia Brasileira, 23:48-50

Cardoza, V. and D’Souza. 2002. Induction, development, and germination of somatic embryos from nucellar tissue of cashew, Anacardium occidentale L. Sci. Hort., 93:367-372

Carneiro, P.T., Fernandes, P.D. and Gheyi, H.R. 2002. Germination and initial growth of precocious dwarf cashew genotypes under saline conditions. Revista Brasileira De Engenharia Agricola E Ambiental, 6:199-206

Cavalcanti-Junior, A.T. and Rossetti, A.G. 2004. Humidity of storage of the cashew-nuts. Revista-Ciencia -Agronomica, 35:384-389

Chattopadhyay, N. and Ghose, S.N. 1994. Studies on the effect of time and extent of pruning in increasing the yield of cashew. J Plant. Crops, 22:111-114

Croxford, A.E., Robson, M., Wilkinson, M.J. 2005. Characterization and PCR multiplexing of polymorphic microsatellite loci in cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) and their cross-species utilization. Mol. Ecol. Notes, 6:249-251

D’Silva, I. and D’Souza, L. 1992. In vitro propagation of Anacardium occidentale L. Pl. Cell Tiss. & Organ Cult., 29:1-6

Das, S., Jha, T.B. and Jha, S. 1996. In vitro propagation of cashew nut. Pl. Cell Rep., 15:615-619

Deshmukh, M.T., Sawke, D.P., Borude, S.G., Hurni, H. and Tato, K. 1992. Effects of platform bench terraces on the growth and yield of mango and cashew grafts. Erosion, conservation, and small scale farming report. Department of Agricultural Engineering, Konkan Agriculture University, Ratnatgiri, India. pp 477-482

Devashayam, S. 1989. Erythmelus helopeltidis Gahan (Hymenoptera: mymaridae) - a new parasite of Helopeltis antonii Sign. on cashew. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 86: 113

Devashayam, S. and Nair, C.P.R. 1986. The mosquito bug, Helopeltis antonii Sign. on cashew in India. J. Plant. Crops, 14:1-10

Dhanaraj, A.L., Rao, E.V.V.B., Swamy, K.R.M., Bhat, M.G., Prasad, D.T., Sondur, S.N., 2002. Using RAPDs to assess the diversity in Indian Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) germplasm. J. Hort. Sci. Biotechnol., 77:41-47

Fernandez, M. and Sudheer, S.V. 2003. Cashew kernel packaging: an eco--friendly and cost- effective alternative. The Cashew, 17:32-36

Fragoso, H.A. 1999. Macronutrient removal by both cashew nut and apple of two dwarf cashew clones. Revista Brasileira De Ciencia Do Solo, 23:603-608

Ghose, S.N. 1991. Studies on screening of cashew types for rootstock in softwood grafting. The Cashew, 5:3-4

Ghosh, S.N. and Bose, T.K. 1986. Nutritional requirement of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) in lateritic tract of West Bengal. Ind. Cashew J., 18:11-16

Ghosh, S.N. 1988. Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on flowering duration, yield and shelling percentage of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.). Ind. Cashew J., 19:19-23

Ghosh, S.N. 1990. Studies on the NPK requirement of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) in lateritic tract of West Bengal. The Cashew, 4:6-9

Ghosh, S.N., Chattopadhyay, N. and Hore, J.K. 2000. Effect of plant spacing on yield of cashew. Recent Advances in Plantation Crops Research, 13:157-159 (Proceedings of PLACROSYM - XIII, 1998)

Gogte, S., Nadgauda, R., 2000. Induction of somatic embryogenesis in cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) In Vitro Cell Dev. Biol. Plant, 36:41-46

Grundon, N.J. 2001. A desktop study to predict the fertilizer requirements of cashew trees in Northern Australia. CSIRO Land and Water, Atherton, Technical Report, 32/01

Gupta, C.R. 1999. Intercropping in cashew orchard under rainfed condition - a model for Bastar plateau zone of Madhya Pradesh. The Cashew, 13:18-22

Guruprasad, T.R., Hanumanthappa, M., Sudhir, K.V. and Dhananjaya, B. 2009. Technologies for improvement of senile cashew gardens. The Cashew and Cocoa J., 1:18-22

Haldankar, PM., Deshpande, S.B., Chavan,V.G. and Rao, E.V.V.B. 2003. Weather associated yield variability in cashewnut. J. Agrometeorology, 5:73-76

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Harish Kumar, P. and Sreedharan, C. 1986. Nut characters as influenced by different levels of NPK in cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.). Ind. Cashew J., 18:15-17

Hegde, M., Kulashekaran, M., Shanmughavelu, K.G., and Jayasankar, S. 1994. In vitro embryogenesis in cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.). Ind. Cashew J., 21:17-25

Ingle, S.T., More, M.R. and Narvankar, D.S. 2005. Management of irrigation to cashew plantation through drip irrigation. Drainage and Irrigation Water Mgt, College of Agril Engineering and Technology, Dr. B.S. Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli – 415 712. pp. 165.169

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Khan, M.M., Hiremath, I.G. and Kumar, D.P. 1988. Top- working in cashew – A rapid method of producing scion material. Cashew Bull., 25:11-13

Khan, M.M., Hegde, M., Hiremath, I.G. and Mallika, B. 1985. Rejuvenation of old cashew trees by top- working. Ind. Cashew J., 17:9-25

Khan, M.M., Kumar, D.P. and Hiremath, I.G. 1987. Pruning studies in cashew. The Cashew, 1: 1-12

Kumar, D.P. Khan, M.M. and Venkataramu, M. N. 1995. Effect of NPK and growth regulators on harvesting, nut yield, shelling per cent and kernel grade of cashew. J. Plant. Crops, 23:96-104

Kumar, D.P., Hegde, M. and Khan, M.M. 1993. Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on growth and yield of cashew in coastal soils of Karnataka. Cashew Bull., 30:9-12

Kumar, D.P. 1990. The growth and yield performance of top-worked cashew trees. Cashew Bull., 27:7-10

Kumar, D.P., Khan, M.M., Melanta, K.R. 1994. Effect of growth regulators on sex expression, fruit set, fruit retention and yield of cashew. Proc. of the XI Symposium on Plantation Crops. 30 November – 3 December 1994, Calicut, Kerala, India, pp.610-627.

Kumar, D.P., Subbarayappa, A., Hiremath, I.G., Khan, M.M. and Sadashivaiah. 1989. Use of coconut coir-pith: a biowaste as soil mulch in cashew plantations. The Cashew, 3:23-24

Kumar, D.P., Hegde, M. and Guruprasad, T.R. 1998. Fertigation for higher nut production in cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) Cashew Bull., 35:2-4

Lakshmipathy, R. 2000. Symbiotic response of cashew root stocks to different VAM fungi. The Cashew, 14:20-24

Latha, A. and Salam, M.A. 2001. Cashew varieties tolerant to K-deficient soils. J. Plant. Crops, 29:16-21

Latha, A. and Salam, M.A. 2003. Response of cashew seedlings to soil moisture regimes. The Cashew, 17:17-20

Latha, A, John, P.S. and George, M. 1994. Productivity of cashew as influenced by chlorophyll and leaf nitrogen content. J. Trop. Agril., 32:86-88

Latha, A. 2000. Cashew varieties tolerant to N deficient soils. The Cashew, 14:29-39

Latha, A. and Salam, M.A. 2001. Screening of cashew varieties for drought tolerance. J. Plant. Crops, 29:27-30

Leva, A.P. and Falcone, A.M. 1990. Propagation and organogenesis in vitro of Anacardium occidentale L. Acta Hort., 280:143-145

Lievens, C., Pylyser, M. and Boxus, P.H. 1989. First results about micropropagation of Anacardium occidentale by tissue culture. Fruits, 44:553-557

Lima, Junior and Borges, M. de F. 2004. Cashew nut kernel storage: influence of packaging and salting. Revista Ciencia Agronomica, 35:104-109

Lima, R. de L.S. de., Fernandes, V.L.B. and Oliveira, V.H. de. 2001. Growth of seedling dwarf-precocious cashew influenced by organic and mineral fertilizations. Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura, 23:391-395

Mane, M.S., Mahadkar, U.V., Ayare, B.L. and Thorat, T.N. 2009. Performance of mechanical soil conservation measures in cashew plantation grown on steep slopes of Konkan. Ind. J. Soil Conservation, 37:181-184

Manjunatha, D. 2001. Effect of nutrients (NPK) supplied through irrigation water on growth of rootstocks and grafts of cashew. The Cashew, 15:13-18

Mantell, S.H., Boggetti, B., Bessa, A.M.S., Lemos, E.P., Abdelhadi, A. and Mneney, E.E. 1997. Micropropagation and micrografting methods suitable for international transfers of cashew. In: Procs. international Cashew and Coconut Conference, Dar es Salam, Tanzania, February 17-21, p.24

Maranan, F.S. and Mendioro, M.S. 2008. Isozyme analysis of Philippine cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) germplasm. The Philippine Agri. Scient., 91:329-333

Mathew, A.G. 1995. Improved shelling machine. Cashew Bull., 32:9-11

Mishra, J.N., Paul, J.C. and Pradhan, P.C. 2008. Response of cashew to drip irrigation and mulching in coastal Orissa. J. Soil and Water Conservation, 7:36-40

Mneney, E.E., Mantell, S.H. and Bennett, M., 2001. Use of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers to reveal genetic diversity within and between populations of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.). J. Hort. Sci. Biotech., 76:375-383

Mohan, E. and Rao, M.M. 1995. Effect of growth regulators and pruning on the growth and yield of cashew. Environ, Eco., 13:675-679

Mohan, E. and Room Singh 1988. Effect of time and severity of pruning in cashew. Proc. of VIII Symposium on Plantation Crops. 28 – 30 December 1988, Kochi, Kerala, India. pp 7 – 10.

Mohapatra, A.R., Vijayakumar, K. and Bhat, N.T. 1973. A study on nutrient removal by the cashew tree. Indian Cashew J., 9:19-20

Mohapatra, L.N., Behara, A.K. and Satapthy, C.R. 1998. Influence of the environmental factors on the cashew nut shoot tip caterpillar, Hypotima haligramma Meyr. Cashew Bull., 35:17-18

Nagaraja, K.V. 2007. Biochemistry of cashew: a review. J. Food Sci. & Tech., 44:1-9

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Nair, S.R. and Mohankumar, N. 1993. Standardization of tissue / apical meristem culture techniques on Horticultural crops of Kerala. Final Technical Report, USDA, IN-AES-34 Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, pp. 3-15

Nawale, R.N., Sawke, D.P. and Salvi, M.J. 1985. Effect of black polyethylene mulch and supplemental irrigation on fruit retention in cashewnut. Cashew Causerie, 7:8-9

Nayak, M.G. 1996. Training and pruning practices for cashew. The Cashew, 10:5-9

Neto, P.S, Maruta, I., Takaiwa, F., Oono, K., Matsumoto, K. and Gomes, J.A. 1995. Identification of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) seedlings with RAPD markers. Acta Hort. 370:21-26

Oblisami, G., Santhanakrishnan, P., Pappaiah, C.M. and Shanmugavelu, K.G. 1985. Effect of Azotobacter inoculant and growth regulators on the growth of cashew. Acta Hort., 108:40-45

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Oliveira, V.H. de., Barros, L. de M. and Lima, R.N. 2003 . Influence of irrigation and genotype on the nut production of precocious dwarf cashew. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 38:61-66

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Pillai, G.B., Singh, Vijay, Dubey, O.P. and Abraham, V.A. 1984. Seasonal abundance of tea mosquito bug, Helopltis antonii on cashew in relation to meteorological factors. In: Cashew research and development (Eds: E.V.V.B. Roa and H.H Khan) Indian Society for Plantation Crops, CPCRI, Kasaraghod, India, pp.103-110

Prasannakumar, B., Reddy, M.L.N. and Radhakrishna, Y. 2006. Studies on the NPK requirement of clonally multiplied cashew in sandy soils of Bapatla, Andhra Pradesh. The Cashew, 20:23-29

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Shirly, R.A. and Thimmappaiah. 2005. Somatic embryogenesis in nucellar callus of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) J. Hort. Sci. & Biotech., 80:327-331

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How to Cite

Bhat, M. G., Nagaraja, K. V., & Rupa, T. R. (2010). Cashew research in India. Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 5(1), 1-16.

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