Evaluation of Brinjal Genotypes against Bacterial Wilt Caused by Ralstonia solanacearum
Brinjal, Bacterial Wilt, Ralstonia solanacearum, GenotypesAbstract
Forty brinjal genotypes were screened by artificial inoculation using Ralstonia solanacearum inoculum at a concentration of 1.0 X 108 cfu/ml (O.D600 = 0.3). Genotypes Arka Nidhi, Haritha, Swetha, Surya, IIHR-3, IIHR-555, WCGR, R-2588, WL-2230, L-3261, L-3270, L-3272 and Arka Anand were found to be resistant to bacterial wilt, whereas, IIHR-7, L-3263, L-3268 and L-3269 were moderately resistant. Genotypes R-2584, R-2586, R- 2592, L-3260, L-3262, L-3264, L-3266 and L-3267 were moderately susceptible, and genotypes R-2580, R-2582, R-2587, R-2591, R- 2593 and R- 2595 were found to be susceptible. Lastly, genotypes R-2581, R- 2594, R-2589, R-2590, WL-2232, Pusa hybrid-6, Arka Shirish, R-2585 and R-2583 were found to be highly susceptible to bacterial wilt. Resistant and moderately resistant genotypes showed longer incubation period.
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Copyright (c) 2015 H M Santhosha, K M Indiresh, C Gopalakrishnan, T H Singh (Author)

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