Influence of Nutrient Source on Yield, Quality and Economics of Seed Production in Vegetable Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis)
Economics, Integrated, Nitrogen, Quality Seed, VermicompostAbstract
Field investigation was carried out to study the influence of different sources of nutrients on seed production in vegetable cowpea (Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedalis) during 2010-11 in Randomized Block Design, with twelve combinations of nutrient sources. Results showed significant variation in seed yield potential in the crop. Highest seed yield (435.97kg ha-1) was recorded in the treatment where recommended NPK dose for the seed crop was applied along with vermicompost at 50 per cent nitrogen substitution. Yield attributes were found non-significant, but had a positive influence on seed yield. Germination percentage and 100-seed weight was significantly higher in treatments receiving a combination of vermicompost and poultry manure. Benefit:Cost analysis revealed that 50 per cent N substitution with vermicompost and 25% N with poultry manure were the most profitable in cowpea seed production.
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