In vitro regeneration and conservation of an endangered medicinal plant sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina L.)


  • Subhendu S Gantait Author
  • Koushik Dutta Author
  • Jayoti Majumder Author



In vitro, regeneration, Rauvolfia, callus, medicinal plant


An investigation on in vitro plant regeneration of endangered medicinal plant Rauvolfia serpentina L. was carried out. The newly emerging leaves were used as explants, which were transferred to half strength MS medium along with various combinations of growth regulators for callus regeneration. The half strength MS medium fortified with 5.0 mgl-1 2,4-D and 2.0 mgl-1 NAA was found most suitable for qualitative (light green colour) and quantitative callus production (86%). The shoot regeneration (81.67 %) and elongation (5.67 cm) was highest in full MS medium supplemented with 6.0 mgl-1 BAP and 2.0 mgl- 1 GA3 and consequently, the root initiation was highest (55%) in half strength MS medium containing 3.0 mgl-1 IBA. The regenerated plantlets were preserved for nine months in good condition through repeated subculturing on full strength MS media. The callus were kept in storage by repeated sub-culturing in in vitro condition on MS medium fortified with 0.2 mgl-1 2,4-D and the preservation could be extended for nine months in its best condition. It was evident that, the regeneration capacity of callus was reduced as the time of callus storage was increased.


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Research Papers

How to Cite

Gantait, S. S., Dutta, K., & Majumder, J. (2017). In vitro regeneration and conservation of an endangered medicinal plant sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina L.). Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 12(1), 71-77.

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