Variation in the Interactions among soil K+, Ca++, Mg++ and Na+ ions as influenced by the variety and rootstock in grape


  • S D Shikhamany Author
  • J N Kalbhor Author
  • T S Shelke Author
  • T S Mungare Author



Cations,, interactions,, grape,, variety,, rootstock


A nutritional survey was conducted to study the influence of variety and rootstock on interactionamong K+, Ca++, Mg++and Na+ ions in grape during 2012-14. Soil cation contents did not correlatewith their respective contents in petioles indicating a strong antagonism among them. Quadraticrelationship of soil cations with the absorption (ratio of petiole content to soil content) of otherions revealed that the antagonism among cations was observed in case of soil K+ with Ca++ andNa+ absorption on 110R and Dog Ridge rootstocks, soil Ca+ with K+ and Mg++ and Na+ in Sonakavariety and Na+ in own rooted vines, soil Mg++ with Ca++ and Na+ also in own rooted vines; andNa++ with Ca++ and Mg++ respectively in 2A clone and Dog Ridge. Contrarily, increased absorptionof K+ by soil Ca++ on 110R, Na+ and K+ by soil Mg++ respectively in Sonaka and 110R, and Ca++by soil Na+ on Dog Ridge was also observed. All the soil cations together influenced K+ absorptionmost in Sonaka followed by Mg++ absorption in 2A clone, but Ca++ absorption on Dog Ridgefollowed by K+ on 110R.


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Research Papers

How to Cite

Shikhamany, S. D., Kalbhor, J. N., Shelke, T. S., & Mungare, T. S. (2018). Variation in the Interactions among soil K+, Ca++, Mg++ and Na+ ions as influenced by the variety and rootstock in grape. Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 13(2), 178-187.

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