Evaluation of Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Hybrids for Yield and Papain Recovery


  • J Davamani Author
  • T N Balamohan Author
  • R Sudha Author




Carica papaya L., Heterosis, Heritability, Genetic Advance, Correlation Coefficient, Path Analysis


Six papaya hybrids, viz., CO-1 × Pusa Nanha, CO-2 × Pusa Nanha, CO-4 × Pusa Nanha, CO-5 × Pusa Nanha, CO-6 × Pusa Nanha and CO-7 × Pusa Nanha, along with their respective parents, were evaluated for fruit yield and quality. Higher fruit yield was recorded in hybrids CO-2 × Pusa Nanha, CO-4 × Pusa Nanha and CO-5 × Pusa Nanha at first harvest. Higher papain recovery was seen in CO-2 × Pusa Nanha and CO-5 × Pusa Nanha and activity of this enzyme was highest in CO-5 × Pusa Nanha. For fruit yield at first harvest, hybrids CO-2 × Pusa Nanha, CO-4 × Pusa Nanha, CO-6 × Pusa Nanha and CO-5 × Pusa Nanha recorded higher heterosis over mid- and better parental values. Fruit yield at first harvest exhibited high genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation. Days to flowering had the least genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation. Highest heritability estimates were recorded for plant height at first flowering, ascorbic acid content and titrable acidity. Fruit yield at first harvest showed high genetic advance as percentage of mean and the least genetic advance was seen for days to flowering. CO-2 × Pusa Nanha, CO-4 × Pusa Nanha, CO-5 × Pusa Nanha and CO-6 × Pusa Nanha showed better yield and earliness, and are recommended for further evaluation.


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Research Papers

How to Cite

Davamani, J., Balamohan, T. N., & Sudha, R. (2013). Evaluation of Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Hybrids for Yield and Papain Recovery. Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 8(2), 165-171. https://doi.org/10.24154/jhs.v8i2.237

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