Seed transmission of BCMV-BICM threaten cowpea seed health in the Ashanti and Brong-Ahafo regions of Ghana

BCMV-BICM threaten cowpea seed health in the Ashanti and Brong-Ahafo regions of Ghana.


  • Fuleratu Karim Adams CSIR-Plant Genetic Resources Research Institute Author
  • Lava Kumar IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria Author
  • Charles Kwoseh KNUST Kumasi, Ghana Author
  • Madam Patricia IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria Author
  • Richard Akromah KNUST Kumasi, Ghana Author
  • Rashied Tetteh CSIR-PGRRI, Bunso, Ghana Author



Cowpea, ELISA, Bean common mosaic virus, blackeye cowpea mosaic, vegetable legume, Potyvirus, RT-PCR, virus detection, virus-seed transmission


Antigen-coated plate enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ACP-ELISA) and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) were used to detect the presence and seed transmissibility of bean common mosaic virus-blackeye cowpea mosaic (BCMV-BICM) in farm- retained cowpea seed lots obtained from 46 locations, including markets and farms in major cowpea growing areas in the Ashanti and Brong Ahafo regions of Ghana. In the growout tests, virus symptomatic plants were observed in seedlings of 19 of the 46 seed lots tested under insect-proof screen-house conditions. All the symptomatic plants tested positive to polyclonal antiserum raised against BCMV-BICM in ACP-ELISA. The seed transmission rates based on symptoms ranged from 0 to 37.8 %. RT-PCR with primer pair designed to amplify the potyvirus Cylindrical Inclusion (CI) region resulted in an expected 720 bp DNA segment in 19 seed lots as a further confirmation of virus in the seed lots. The remaining 27 lots were asymptomatic and tested negative to BCMV-BlCM in both ACP-ELISA and RTPCR. The findings of this study revealed seed as the source of primary inoculum in the farmers’ fields and may aid in the implementation of control strategies such as discouraging farmers from retaining their own seeds for subsequent sowing and encouraging them to take appropriate measures in obtaining virus-free cowpea seeds from other sources.


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Original Research Papers

How to Cite

Adams, F. K., Kumar, L., Kwoseh, C., Ogunsanya, P., Akromah, R., & Tetteh, R. (2021). Seed transmission of BCMV-BICM threaten cowpea seed health in the Ashanti and Brong-Ahafo regions of Ghana: BCMV-BICM threaten cowpea seed health in the Ashanti and Brong-Ahafo regions of Ghana. Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 16(2), 251-260.

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