Development of Digital Repository and Retrieval System for Rose Germplasm Management


  • Radhika V Author
  • Tejaswini . Author



Rose,, germplasm,, digital repository, database,, information system


Live repository of rose consisting of different genotypes and species of roses available across the globe has been established at ICAR-IIHR. All these genotypes have been characterized for 60 morphological characters for description of these varieties. Along with the live repository of plants, efforts have been made to develop digital repository of all these genotypes. The digital repository consists of description of characters, quantitative measurement for selected important characters and images for all the descriptors. A web-enabled interface has been developed for the selective retrieval of accessions with desired characters, and also for retrieval of all the information for the selected genotype. The information system will be useful across the germplasm collection centers, for the breeders and other end users by enabling them to select the appropriate germplasm and
avoid duplicates.


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Research Papers

How to Cite

V, R., & ., T. (2019). Development of Digital Repository and Retrieval System for Rose Germplasm Management. Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 14(1), 58-68.

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