Effect of Ethrel® on Flowering, Sex-Expression and Yield in Cashew
A field trial was conducted at Regional Fruit Research Station, Vengurle, Dist. Sindhudurg, (Maharashtra) to assess the efficacy of Ethrel® in relation to flowering behavior and yield enhancement in cashew on seven year old Cashew trees of Vengurle -7 variety during 2008-09. Three sprays of Ethrel® @ 100 ppm, 200 ppm and 400 ppm along with water spray were given before flushing, after flushing and during fruit-set. Control consisted of no. spray. Among treatments, Ethrel® @ 100 ppm significantly increased number of flowering panicles m-2 (12.0), number of perfect flowers per panicle (52.8), fruit-set m-2 (28.8), number of nuts per panicle (2.9) and yield tree-1 ( 1.51 kg tree-1) than control and water spray. Thus, lower concentration of Ethrel® had a beneficial effect on cashew.
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