Incidence of Rodent Pests in Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) and their Management
Rodents, Cumin, Anticoagulant, Rodenticide, BromadioloneAbstract
Infestation pattern and extent of damage by rodent pests and their management in cumin crop using secondgeneration anticoagulant rodenticides were studied at farmers' fields in Jodhpur district. Monthly trapping throughout the crop season revealed presence of four species, viz., Tatera indica (45.16%), Meriones hurrianae (29.03%), Gerbillus gleadowi and, an arboreal species, Funambulus pennanti (25.81%). Damage to cumin crop was almost on par at the vegetative growth stage and flowering stage, recording 11.00 and 13.50% reduction in plant stand, respectively. Efficacy of two anticoagulant rodenticides viz., difethiaone (0.0025%) and bromadiolone (0.005%) was evaluated by two census methods simultaneously, viz., live burrow count (LBC) and census baiting (CB). Two treatments of either of the anticoagulants, one at vegetative growth and another at flowering stage, resulted in >80% reduction in pest rodent population. Cost:benefit ratio obtained with bromadiolone (0.005%) baiting was 1:10.8. Thus, poison baiting with anticoagulant rodenticides may be practiced twice at (i) vegetative growth and (ii) flowering stage, for effective rodent management in cumin.
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