Evaluation of Fungicides, Soil Amendment Practices and Bioagents against Fusarium solani-Causal Agent of Wilt Disease in Chilli


  • G Bindu Madhavi Author
  • S L Bhattiprolu Author




Chilli, Fusarium solani, Fungicides, Trichoderma viride, Soil Amendment


Chilli is affected by the wilt disease caused by Fusarium solani, under irrigated conditions. In absence of resistant cultivars, the disease needs to be controlled by management practices. In vitro evaluation of six fungicides by Poisoned Food Technique showed that a combination of carbendazim+mancozeb was effective in inhibiting mycelial growth (93.6%), followed by Carbendazim alone (92.4%). In vivo soil drench using the same fungicides proved effective in controlling the pathogen. Integration of different treatments, including seedling dip, with Carbendazim, addition of vermicompost, drenching with fungicide, and application of Trichoderma viride was found to be effective in managing the disease, in comparison to individual treatments.


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How to Cite

Madhavi, G. B., & Bhattiprolu, S. L. (2011). Evaluation of Fungicides, Soil Amendment Practices and Bioagents against Fusarium solani-Causal Agent of Wilt Disease in Chilli. Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 6(2), 141-144. https://doi.org/10.24154/jhs.v6i2.423

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