Effect of Organics and Inorganics on Yield Parameters in Bell Pepper under Open Condition
Organics, Bell Pepper, Open Condition, Vermicompost, Poultry Manure, FYMAbstract
Investigations were carried out to study the effect of organics on yield and fruit quality parameters in bell pepper grown under open condition. Split plot design, with three replications, was adopted taking two bell pepper varieties, viz., California Wonder and Gangavati Local (as main-plot treatments) and nutrient source (as sub-plot treatments). Variety California Wonder performed better with respect to yield parameters compared to the Local variety. Application of 100% recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN) through a combination of 50% FYM and 50% poultry manure (O5) as basal dose recorded significantly higher fruit yield (16.33 t/ha) and yield components over other treatments. Among interactions, O5 (FYM (50%) + poultry manure (50%) recorded significantly higher fruit yield (18.47 t/ha), followed by 18.31 t/ha with organic application in O1 (FYM (50%) + Vermicompost (50%) in California Wonder variety.
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Copyright (c) 2012 Vasant M Ganiger, J C Mathad, M B Madalageri, H B Babalad, G Bhuvaneswari (Author)

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