Evaluation of tuberose genotype IIHR 17-23SP-08 (IC0642158) for flower yield, quality and response to biotic stress
Concrete, evaluation, flowering, single type, shelf life, tuberose, yieldAbstract
Tuberose (Agave amica, family Asparagaceae) is an important commercial flower crop valued for its spectacular fragrant flowers. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the single petalled tuberose genotypes for growth, flowering, flower yield, concrete yield and response to biotic stress for two consecutive years from 2020 to 2022. Tuberose genotype IIHR 17-23SP-08 was found to be superior with highest plant height (55.53 cm), early flowering (94.93 days), highest number of spikes/plant (8.47), longest spikes (114.61cm) and rachis (32.11cm) and maximum number of florets/spike (54.87). The matured bud weight of IIHR 17-23SP-08 was 1.29 g, which is preferable in the medium segment range with higher number of flower buds (725 buds per kg). It is a high yielder producing the highest number of spikes/m2 (76.20) and loose flower yield 18.88 t/ha/year among the genotypes evaluated. The genotype IIHR 17-23SP-08 was also found to be a good multiplier with the maximum bulb production of 8.94 bulbs per clump. It was found to be resistant to root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) and tolerant to leaf burn disease (Alternaria polianthi) under field conditions. It was found suitable as loose flower for garland preparation with the shelf life of 2 days under ambient conditions and for concrete extraction with the concrete yield of 0.095%. It produces white buds (RHS colour: NNI55D, white group, Fan 4) with green tinge on the tip. Thus, the genotype IIHR 17 23SP 08 was found promising and novel among the single types with better flower and bulb yield parameters.
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Copyright (c) 2023 T U Bharathi , Rajiv Kumar, S A Nair, R Umamaheswari, P Sonavane, D Kalaivanan, V K Rao

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