Effect of Foliar Sprays of NAA, Triacontanol and Boron on Growth and Seed Quality in Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L.) Cv. Pusa Visesh


  • P R Arvindkumar Author
  • S N Vasudevan Author
  • M G Patil Author




Bitter Gourd, Vine Length, Boron, Seed Moisture


An investigation was undertaken to study the effect of foliar sprays of NAA, triacontanol and boron on vine growth, seed quality and storability in bitter gourd cv. Pusa Visesh. Results revealed that NAA at 50mg/l produced the longest vines (192.33 and 260.67cm), maximum leaf area (1.890 and 2.965cm2/vine), leaf area index (1.969 and 2.760) and leaf chlorophyll content (39.23 and 38.90 SPAD value) at 85 and 100 days after sowing (DAS), respectively. As for seed quality attributes, treatment with boron at 4mg/l recorded lowest seed moisture content and highest seed germination percentage (9.16% and 85.5%, respectively), followed by NAA at 50mg/l (9.21% and 85.25%, respectively) whereas, Control recorded highest seed moisture and lowest seed germination percentage (9.84% and 74.5%, respectively) recorded at the end of storage.


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Research Papers

How to Cite

Arvindkumar, P. R., Vasudevan, S. N., & Patil, M. G. (2014). Effect of Foliar Sprays of NAA, Triacontanol and Boron on Growth and Seed Quality in Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L.) Cv. Pusa Visesh. Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 9(2), 148-152. https://doi.org/10.24154/jhs.v9i2.185

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