Enhancing Mango Productivity through Sustainable Resource Management
Mango, Production, Productivity, Resource, ManagementAbstract
Mango the “King of fruits” is the most important fruit crop in India and the area under mango is the largest among fruit crops (2,516 thousand ha) with a production of around 19.69 million tonnes. India ranks first in mango production in the world contributing 41% of the total world production of mango. Among Indian states, with a total output of 4.3 million MT, Uttar Pradesh stands first as mango producing state. (Fig.1).This is followed by Telangana (2.73 million MT), Karnataka (1.75 million MT) and Bihar (1.36 million MT). Particularly in India all stages of mango fruit are used starting from immature to over ripe stages. Mango has specific problem of alternate bearing leading many times to low yields or no yield.
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