Physico-morphological and biochemical characteristics of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) genotypes
Carotenoids, jackfruit, pectin, total phenols, total sugars, TSSAbstract
Thirty-eight jackfruit genotypes including check varieties ‘Muttom Varikka’ and ‘Sindhoor’ selected from homesteads of farmers across Kerala, were characterized for their dessert quality. Results revealed that the TSS and total sugar contents of AH-32, AH-18, AH-33 and AH-36 were 32, 25.5, 25.9 and 29.7 °Brix, whereas, the total sugars were 34.75, 25.92, 21.9 and 25%, respectively. Among the accessions, AH-2 recorded the highest total carotenoids (3131.88 μg 100g-1), which, was higher than check varieties ‘Muttom Varikka’ and ‘Sindhoor’. The genotypes viz., AH-18, AH-32, AH-33 and AH-36 can be considered ideal for dessert purpose and can also be used for development of value added products. However, the promising ones can be utilized in breeding programmes to improve quality and yield.
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