Influence of phenophase based irrigation and fertigation schedule on vegetative performance of chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzelev.) var. Marigold
Chrysanthemum var. Marigold, fertigation, irrigation, phenophase, vegetative performanceAbstract
The vegetative performance of chrysanthemum var. Marigold with respect to phenophase based irrigation and fertigation schedule was evaluated. In the vegetative phase, the maximum plant height (62.44 cm), number of secondary branches per plant (42.65), number of primary branches per plant (10.85), leaf area (3793.81 cm2) was recorded in the treatment combination. Whereas, the maximum average plant spread (47.98 cm) was in I1F4, number of leaves per plant (217.76) was in I3F1. Scheduling irrigation regime I3-(0.8 ER each at vegetative, bud and flowering phases) in combination with weekly application of (F4) 75:112.5:75 kg NPK/ha in three splits 40:20:20 % NPK (vegetative phase), 30:40:40 % NPK (bud phase) 30:40:40% NPK (flowering phase) through fertigation recorded maximum loose flower yield (26.27 t/ha) and this can be correlated with increased values for most of the vegetative parameters that directly influence the yield of the crop. Hence the above was observed best treatment over other treatment combinations with respect to vegetative parameters of chrysanthemum var. Marigold.
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